Ingram Appraisals is your source for dependable property appraisals in South Central Oklahoma.
Whether it's an older home or the most modern new construction, our ongoing analysis of local real estate trends and formal training as licensed appraisers make us qualified to provide home valuations in Hughes County for clients ranging from national mortgage companies to local lenders or individual businesses and consumers.
Ingram Appraisals

A licensed appraiser from Ingram Appraisals is the most reliable source of an unbiased opinion of value when your needs include:
- Retrospective home valuations
- Challenging a property's assessed value if you live in an area where real estate values have declined
- Divorce settlements when an accurate value estimate of common real estate is required
- Getting a quick estimate of value to help a loved one make bail
- A dependable expert witness for court cases involving the value of a home in Holdenville